brun.jpg I haven’t encountered Don Brun before, and his death a decade ago would have had a serious impact on his creative output, but his back catalogue is tastier than an Eddie Murphy sandwich.

albumcover.jpg There’s some striking album artwork on the Creative Review Blog . This vibrant, almost eye-watering design for Chris Coco’s album is particularly nice, even if his music is absolutely shit.

livenow.jpg Eric Smith’s perspective on life changed upon being diagnosed with cancer, leading to the Live Now Project : “Before cancer I was like most folks, just cruising along. It was during my treatment, when I started to discover what cancer could gift to me – the ability to absorb every moment as if each one were my whole life.

daschund.jpg The Happy Daschund Lamp is… well… really quite happy. I’d love to import one into the UK, were it not for the fact that it’d most likely be a fire hazard due to the difference in voltage.