Design B.O. in the picture December 10, 2008December 10, 2008 Mister Obama seems like a reasonably good egg so far, but I can’t fathom why he’s inspired such an eclectic mixture of artwork.
Illustration If I were a carpenter December 8, 2008December 8, 2008 Some jolly nice work from peanut butter enthusiast Mr. Tad Carpenter. More tasty morsels on Flickr.
Interiors Marioworld, condensed December 5, 2008December 5, 2008 Antoinette J. Citizen may have an implausible moniker, but she has some interesting ideas on interior design.
Interiors Retro papertoys December 4, 2008December 4, 2008 Papertoys: they look great, but does anyone ever really make them? If you have sufficiently sturdy paper, a colour printer and some free time you
Design A cigar called Hamlet? December 4, 2008December 4, 2008 The Public Poster Project contains a number of teasing pieces of work, none more so than the one shown here.
Vehicles Bonus motor December 4, 2008December 4, 2008 The Lamborghini Bertone Miura Roadster. Only one was ever made, and it can be yours for an astronomical fee once it goes to auction in
Architecture Commuting 9 to 5 December 3, 2008December 3, 2008 Amazingly, the tube carriages that have adorned a rooftop on Old Street are actually piss cheap (£15 a week!) office space. One assumes at that
Art Come Back, Charleston Blu December 2, 2008December 2, 2008 Graffiti on an epic scale from artist Blu. More good stuff at his online store.